Saturday, July 18, 2009

Hypnosis for quitting smoking - does it work?

Question I received from a friend of mine out of state:

Q: Marti, I'm thinking about attending one of those "Xxxxxx XxxxxxSeminars," hypnotherapy sessions that are supposed to help with weight loss and smoking cessation. I definitely want to lose weight, and a kinda want to quit smoking. On one hand, I know I should quit smoking for my health...but there's also a part of me that enjoys smoking. Anyways, do you know anything about these seminars, about whether they really work or are just a way for some charlatan to get rich off other people's insecurities?

I have heard of people who have attended these "traveling hypnotism" seminars for smoking and who were successful in quitting. If the seminar includes a group hypnosis session, there will be fortunate attendees who are determined to quit, expect that they will quit due to the seminar, and actually do quit. I also hear that before the hypnosis part of the seminars there is a pitch to purchase additional CDs, DVDs, books, supplements, etc in order to maximize success. There will be a few more attendees who buy the additional material and find success.

But what about those attendees who don't quit? What about those who don't purchase the additional products? Most likely they come away with the belief that hypnosis didn't work for them, hypnosis is bunk, the hypnotist was a charlatan, or that they were scammed. And worst of all, the traveling hypnotist has left town.

The advantage of working with a local hypnotherapist, such as myself, is that I am here for follow up. I don't pitch products. My sessions explain hypnosis, what to expect in the session, and the hypnosis itself lasts over an hour, and covers all sorts of areas of interest to a smoker's subconscious mind. If the client isn't a non-smoker after he or she leaves the single session, we can evaluate the situation and come up with a plan. If someone continues to smoke after the session, it doesn't mean that the hypnosis failed, but that likely there are emotional issues that need to be resolved before the client can be completely rid of the smoking habit.

But what about the money-back guarantee? I cannot emphasize WARY of any hypnotist offering a money-back guarantee that you'll quit smoking. I know that statement contradicts advice you've probably heard. There was a short period of time recently where everyone who called asked me the "guarantee" question. I probably lost a few clients by saying that I do not offer a money back guarantee. I further explained that I cannot control human behavior. As I've said before, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. That means I guide YOU into making the changes you want to make, but YOU have to be willing to commit to the process. Hypnosis isn't something you try...if you "try" hypnosis knowing that you'll get your money back if it doesn't work, are you really committing to the process, or are you leaving room for failure? Hypnosis is a powerful tool for making postive changes in your life, but you have to be willing to learn how to use the tool, and be willing to accept the tool, and be willing to continue using the tool after the session is over.

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